For this New Year 2017, I send you best wishes. 2017 should be a rich year with many new items and new materials that will further expand the possibilities. I start a new post for this year, the past post could be find here: Richesheures 2016 [Model in 3D print] – HO
Reminder: each kit allows to realize a great variety of combination by modulating the colors of the paints, the filling of the walls (stone, plaster, brick), the roof (tiles or slates), the number of windows, the number of levels (1 or 2), the presence of a shop or not ... See tutorial here :
Some will find an air of déjà vu with the O gauge: These are actually the same houses but all details are optimized for the target scale. It is more than just a change of scale.
Today I introduce two new models that use a new material. The High Definition Acrylate offers a surface finish, a visual appearance and a level of detail close to the injected plastic. Here is a tutorial on how to handle this new material: I used it to make two crates of wagons for a personal project, which you can also get on your side: